Tubing I

Tubing is a ritual of summer on Snow Pond - here with Adam, Robert, and Jody at speed

Men hard at work

Pulling hard


Flying up

Adam & Jody ready to go (or just getting back)

And falling off when the going gets too rough

Leg action

Manly love on the tube - anything to hang on in a 30-50mph slide

After ride smiles

The action - boat & tube, with cameraman, spotter, and girl


Adam, driver

Close-up of serious men - driver about to abuse riders

Already pulling hard, only yards from the dock, with spectators

Sliding by the camp at rather high speed

More tubers, Scott saying go faster !

Men at speed

Riding high

A lot of water

A sequence of up and almost over - this is not easy, at speed, in the spray, sliding at 50mph

They are wasting more than half the tube - all bunched on one side !

Sliding on an edige

Almost over

Kids on their ride

Flying feet

Four attractive men, ready for their ride



Pulling the girls

Scott & Breanna

Little kids - smiles, frowns, and worry

All smiles

Pulling hard

Brothers boating

Adam & Steve pulling Cathy & Yinan

Steve driving with the dog - no one bothering to watch the tubers

Steve driving

Giving instructions to tubers, with Yinan and random girl from Virginia