Madrid - Museum
I was able to visit the Prado, the world-famous Madrid museum. A huge place, though lots of repetitive art, I thought. No English captions made it difficult to understand the full history, though the occasional audio caption (maybe 5% of the collection) helped.
Very nice black statue
Black princess
I really loved these reliefs; very lovely.
Not sure what to make of this - boob feeding man
Another great ivory carving
Not sure what this is, but I liked it
Fat baby
Almost a Dali; weird
A famous series of pictures; the dogs are chasing and eating the women in the center as punishment, I think for getting married without permission
I really liked this carving and my photo of it
Jesus, which is everywhere in the museum; some interesting colors here
Jesus being born
Kids being served by their staff
Some famous guy, with what must be his gay horse boy
Cool statue
Neat carving of mom and kids
Queen of some sort
Another queen, this one of Spain
Releif of babies; in red rock
Cool picture of men and their navies
In winter; reminded me of Maine
Men fighting over women
Royal family of long ago; lots of commentary about how the king is not front and center; his wife actually ran things, etc.
There were many of these - paintings of a galleries of paintings; very cool
A lovely building in Madrid
Lovely fountain and buildings in Madrid