Japan - Aoyama Cemetery

I spent a very pleasant afternoon wandering around the huge Aoyama Cemetery taking pictures.  I like cemeteries, both for their reflection of the local culture, and because they are quiet places of beauty.  This one is particularly interesting for its size, history, and location in the middle of the city.

By law everyone in Japan must be cremated (except the emperor). 
So the graves are small (good for a small country), with the ashes placed beneath these vertical stones.

Yes, very dense in among the colorful fall trees.

A larger than usual grave, but very nice - balanced and in proportion, with the small young tree in front and large older one behind.

What does it mean when a black cat crosses your path in a Buddhist cemetery in Japan ? I don't know . . .

Another very nice setting in which to rest forever

Lovely mix of flowers, sunshine, and traditional stone lantern

Interesting dead tree

There are numerous contrasts between old and new, dead and alive, silent and sleek

Very modern stones - lovely workmanship and a traditional list of the dead family members here

Another very modern stone, gleaming in the sunshine

Interesting contrast between old brown stone and bright green tree

Odd set of lanterns and stones - the exact opposite of the usually carefully carved monuments; no idea why

Old traditional stone with new high-rise shopping / house complex rising behind

Another, with each the same height