Shanghai - Zhong Shan Park - 中山公园
Zhong Shan (Middle Mountain) Park is a medium-sized park and amusement area in West Shanghai, at the end of a main subway line, and an area of major new development and probably future shopping. We visited on Sunday, when many families were out playing, as they do the world over. Chinese parks are often the center of activity, from kids playing to old people sitting or stretching - the cities are crowded and apartments small, so the parks are a literal breath of fresh air.
The main grass area with familes at play - flying kites, kicking balls, and just hanging out.
Kids playing roller hockey - could be in San Francisco, Toronto, or Dresden
Water bumper cars ! With water guns to hit the enemy.
What park would be complete without a Bouncy Bounce - in very bright colors
Badminton is popular in parks - note the man in tie, with blue shoes !
The bird in a cage society. No kidding - men exhibit their prize birds in parks on weekends - lovely creatures (the birds, not the men), all in identical cages just like this one.
The men and their cages, hanging from every tree - probably 25-50 birds and guys hanging out admiring them - and this it not a high-class only sport, but blue-collar looking guys just hanging out with their avian friends.
Men playing cards or mahjong - very popular among the older crowd
Men & their cards
You can ride this little self-pedaled coaster buggy with young kids on a small track - pretty cool
Stretching is very popular in parks - Tai Qi, etc.
And of course any park needs food - in this case a KFC to contrast with the traditional lanterns. There was also a Mr. Donut next door, though it's not clear the Chinese knew what to make of it (my friend hadn't really had donuts before).
Kites are very popular - you have to dodge kits strings when walking across the lawn - this girl is pulling hers down
I loved this little girl for her splash of bright blue dwarfed by the scale of things around her
Up close - just a young girl and her kite, like another other in the world