China 2006 - Suzhou II

Suzhou has many canal areas, with this being one of the most famous - lots of little shops on the canal and side streets

Nice little cafes for a drink or tea

House with old steps to the water to get on/off a boat - the waterway is active, but obviously they don't often use the steps 

Another view

Some buildings are a bit run-down (a man in pulling the cart to the right)

Small boats for tours / rides

Of course not everything is old - thought this old boat with new Mercury was interesting


Yummy food balls, usually with interesting things inside - this place makes them to order, a half-dozen for a dollar or less

 China lives for food - this a small stand cooking goodies with lots of add-ons

Another stop - I liked the regular patterns and look of all the little balls, raw in the foreground and cooked with brown tops behind

And a girl  statue with balls on a stick - called Tang Hu Lu, or hawthorns with honey coating

Old man and boy

Downtown Suzhou - the main shopping thoroughfare

Cleaning woman in orange

As you can see KFC practically owns this area - literally it's a pedestrian street a half-mile long
with a KFC every 50-75 yards, plus a $0.10 per ride van to take you around the street

Disturbing picture - a famous old temple building/museum with KFC umbrellas outside

Hmm, I wonder if they have Maine Lobster

Bride-to-be getting her pictures taken - very popular

Interesting wise men on top of a temple

Pretty wall of words

Interesting carved copper wall and associated seats

A very pure looking picture - just a yellow gate and two lonely Chinese characters - Chang Sheng or long life