Shanghai - Interesting II
Very cool artwork at the library - a large (12 feet tall) scroll-like display of famous Chinese proverbs (I think), carved into glass blocks. This was very cool.
Old poster in a museum - I was intrigued by the look in this girl's eyes - what is she thinking ?
Sign at the entrance of a small art museum. Number 5 is
particularly interesting - don't offend the elite art people.
I love signs that really say what they mean !
There are far fewer beggars or homeless visible in Shanghai than in SF or Seattle, but they are around. Particularly women with children who will follow you for a block and grab your arm to get money. These folks are at the Jade Temple, where their kids crowded the door of my taxi before I could get out, and then I had to push through them to get to the sidewalk.
Interesting stealth shot of a young girl with her parents - in
a traditional restaurant,
getting a traditional lantern, but with a very untraditional can of Pepsi !
Famous Peking Duck restaurant - the greeter girls had to wear these enormous hats with flowers
The ducks - cooking takes 50 minutes
So while you wait you get yummy appetizers like Sichuan spicy
snails - you dig out the little critters and eat the front half.
They are so messy that you need to use plastic gloves to eat them.
A teapot in serious conversation with its cup
An army of teapots standing guard !
Me at a museum
A set of interesting sculptures in a famous art section of town - each has historical meaning
Presumably the old and wise teacher
Famous Japanese merchant who was very kind to the people
Men considering the important issues of the day. This is my favorite.
Me at a dinner party thrown by my friends Alan & Mae-Ling - lots of yummy wine, as you can see
Fireworks one night for no apparent reason - it was the night
of the lanterns,
15 days after Chinese New Year, so it may have been that.